Brock Voice - LSRCA working with Beaverton Area to Address Farm run-off Issues
On Dec 17, 2018 the Brock Voice reported Brock Township Council (Planning and Economic Development Committee) discussed the recent approval by LSRCA Board to have detailed plans drawn up to address agricultural run-off into Lake Simcoe from the Goodyear Farm north of Beaverton. Work was awarded to the environmental consulting firm Emmons and Olivier Resources Canada (ERO). Costs of the planning phase of work ($70K) are to be split between LSRCA and the Goodyear farm. Committee members voiced there support applauding the residents who have been fighting this issue for many years along with the Goodyear Farm who have finally agreed to address the issue. Notably missing from the discussion are any details related to further phases of activity including construction, water quality monitoring, maintenance of constructed facilities, and effort to repair damage done to the lake. Notable, too, was a report received by Brock Township from Ontario MECP Minister Rod Phillips date...