Work to Begin next spring to address agricultural runoff at Goodyear Farms near Beaverton news reports today that work will begin next spring to correct the agricultural run-off problem at Goodyear Farm north of Beaverton. Run-off of sediment and other nutrients has been going on since the farm started operations in 2008. Local citizens have been fighting to get this stopped since 2010 raising the awareness of this issue with all relevant authorities and noting the ongoing damage to the lake.
Ugly brown suspended sediment plumes travel up and down the lake shore after rainfall events depending on wind conditions as can be seen in the above picture. These are the result of run-off from any of the 7 watercourses that drain the Goodyear property, one of which can be observed in the 30 second video below from July 26, 2018
Lakefront property owners are now dealing with significant muck in front of their properties (90' from shore for some) where there was once hard packed sand. This has also accelerated weed growth with the invasive Eurasian Milfoil weed species now showing up at the end of docks for the first time. We also worry about the aquatic damage being done to fish spawning grounds and other aquatic animals, and as well the health of those who choose to swim in the lake under these conditions.
Stopping this agricultural run-off can't come fast enough!
Ugly brown suspended sediment plumes travel up and down the lake shore after rainfall events depending on wind conditions as can be seen in the above picture. These are the result of run-off from any of the 7 watercourses that drain the Goodyear property, one of which can be observed in the 30 second video below from July 26, 2018
Lakefront property owners are now dealing with significant muck in front of their properties (90' from shore for some) where there was once hard packed sand. This has also accelerated weed growth with the invasive Eurasian Milfoil weed species now showing up at the end of docks for the first time. We also worry about the aquatic damage being done to fish spawning grounds and other aquatic animals, and as well the health of those who choose to swim in the lake under these conditions.
Stopping this agricultural run-off can't come fast enough!
Well said. Everyone (whether this directly impacts you or not) needs to speak out, and loudly, of all mismanagement, contamination, and pollution that now threatens all Southern Ontario lakes. This is not an isolated issue ... all levels of our governments should be taking both strong and punitive action to stop the pollution of our valuable resources. Our future generations are in jeopardy if more action isn’t taken now.