LSRCA Board approves plan for detailed design work to stop agricultural run-off from the Goodyear Farm north of Beaverton Ontario
Today Dec 14, 2018 is my first post on the new BLOG called SOS-BeavertonOntario. SOS stands for Stop Ongoing Sediment and other nutrients running off the agricultural lands of the Goodyear Farm north of Beaverton, Ontario on Lake Simcoe.
It is an exciting day as the Lake Simcoe Regional Conservation Authority (LSRCA) Board has approved a report authorizing a detailed design plan to be developed by Emmons and Oliver Resources Canada (ERO) to stop the agricultural run-off from the Goodyear Farm. Target date for the plan is May 2019.
The farm grows ~ 1000 acres of Asian vegetables. Land is heavily irrigated and during rainfall events, sediment and other nutrients run-off into the lake through any of the 7 watercourses draining the farm land.
Over the years (since 2008) sediment continues to build in the lake causing huge ugly brown lake plumes, accelerating weed growth, and causing unknown aquatic damage in the Bay between Mara Point and the Beaverton Pier. This area includes the Provincially Significant Wetland at the mouth of the Talbot River.
Attached is a 45 second drone video taken Nov 04, 2018 that shows the damage where one of the watercourses drains into Thorah Centennial Beach. Disgusting!!
It is an exciting day as the Lake Simcoe Regional Conservation Authority (LSRCA) Board has approved a report authorizing a detailed design plan to be developed by Emmons and Oliver Resources Canada (ERO) to stop the agricultural run-off from the Goodyear Farm. Target date for the plan is May 2019.
The farm grows ~ 1000 acres of Asian vegetables. Land is heavily irrigated and during rainfall events, sediment and other nutrients run-off into the lake through any of the 7 watercourses draining the farm land.
Over the years (since 2008) sediment continues to build in the lake causing huge ugly brown lake plumes, accelerating weed growth, and causing unknown aquatic damage in the Bay between Mara Point and the Beaverton Pier. This area includes the Provincially Significant Wetland at the mouth of the Talbot River.
This Bay was once normally crystal clear, and considered a lovely gem of Lake Simcoe. How is it that our environment has to be so terribly polluted before authorities take notice & act. This pollution could have been easily stopped 10 yrs ago which would have prevented this farms terrible damage to Lake Simcoe. This pollution is going to have long term negative effects on all aspects of Beaverton and the surrounding communities. The Ontario Conservatives must increase their commitment to stop and prevent environmental disasters such as this.